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What Does a Termite Look Like?

Termites are tiny insects commonly mistaken for flying ants, but various species of termites can look different. However, most termite species in Suffolk County and Nassau County share a number of common traits. The main distinguishing features of termites are:

  • Size: Termites range in size from ¼ to ½ inch in length.
  • Body Segments: All termites have segmented bodies: a head, thorax, and abdomen.
  • Wings: Swarmer termites (reproductives/alates) possess wings.
  • Color Variations: Different termite castes are different colors, from off-white to dark brown.
  • Legs and Antennae: The adult form of termites has 6 legs and antennae that are straight.
Closeup of a termite with a white background

Termite Appearance

Termites vary in appearance depending on their species and caste, making identification tricky. Their elusive nature, living within the walls of your home, adds to the difficulty of spotting them. To accurately identify and locate termites, it’s best to call on our professional exterminators. Here’s a breakdown of the different species:

  • Subterranean Termites: Subterranean termites are usually off-white to dark brown or black. In Suffolk County & Nassau County, common subterranean species include the Subterranean termite, Eastern subterranean termite, and Formosan termite.
  • Dampwood Termites: Larger than other termite types, dampwood termites often have a reddish hue to their bodies. They are typically found in moist wood environments.
  • Drywood Termites: Drywood termites are typically yellow-brown in color and feature wings that can range from transparent to slightly gray. These termites tend to infest dry, sound wood.

How To Identify Different Species of Termites

Subterranean Termites

Subterranean termites range from ⅛ to ⅜ inches in length and vary in color from pale cream to dark brown or black. The alates, or swarmers, have transparent wings, and these termites live underground. They often create mud tubes on walls and foundations to keep moisture while traveling to their food sources.

Formosan Termites

Formosan termites, native to East Asia, are a subterranean species and slightly larger than native termites, measuring between ⅛ to ½ inches in length. They have a brownish-yellow coloration. These termites are known for their aggressive behavior and ability to form large, destructive colonies.

Drywood Termites

Drywood termites are bigger than subterranean species, ranging from ⅜ to 1 inch in size. As indicated by their name, they thrive in dry wood above ground and leave behind small droppings, called frass, and near-infested wood.

Characteristics of Termite Castes

Termite colonies consist of three main castes, each defining a termite’s role. These castes result in noticeably different appearances among termites: 

  • Worker Termites: Worker termites are the most numerous members of a colony and play a crucial role in the survival of the group. They are responsible for foraging for food, caring for the queen and young, and maintaining the colony’s structure. These termites are typically off-white to cream-colored, with soft bodies that lack wings or any distinctive features like the other castes. 
  • Soldiers: Soldier termites are easily distinguishable from other termites due to their large, dark-colored heads and powerful mandibles. Their primary function is to protect the colony from predators, such as ants or other threats. These termites are often confused with ants because of their noticeable head size and defense role.
  • Alates/Swarmers: Alates, also known as swarmers or reproductive termites, are the future leaders of new colonies. These termites are typically darker in color than workers or soldiers, with varying shades ranging from brown to black, depending on the species. Swarmers are equipped with wings, which they use to leave their original colony in search of mates and new locations to establish a colony.

How to Spot Termites Near Your Home

Termites are particularly dangerous because of their elusive nature. It’s uncommon to spot a termite in your home, as they usually hide within the structure itself. Given this, it’s often best to enlist a professional who can expertly locate termites or any signs of infestation. Early detection by a trained expert can help prevent extensive damage and costly repairs.

The team at Suburban Exterminating is ready to inspect your property and determine the type of termites infesting your home.

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