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Field Cricket

Field Cricket

Actual Size: 1/2″ to 1”

Characteristics: Colored dark brown to black. Large heads and antennae that are longer than their body. Large powerful hind legs that they use for jumping and large hind wings.

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings: Yes; overlapped on the body.


  • Crickets come out to feed at night, but during the day they will hide in moist soil, under mulch, woodpiles, and rocks and other debris


  • Both male and female field crickets are capable of making “chirping” sounds
  • Field crickets may enter homes in the late fall and are usually found in damp basement areas and crawl spaces.
  • They’re omnivores and have a varied diet

Field Cricket in Suffolk County & Nassau County

Field Cricket is a catch-all name for several species of crickets of the genus Gryllus. The most common species found on Long Island is Gryllus pennsylvanicus. 

Field Cricket Habitat

Field Crickets are found in many types of habitats: In brushy areas, fields, lawns, gardens, and even near building foundations. They may dig shallow burrows. These species will have one generation per year and will molt 8-9 times before reaching the adult stage. Adults generally live for 8 to 10 weeks. Most female crickets deposit eggs into soil or plant stems, which can cause serious plant damage. In northern latitudes, most crickets mature and lay eggs in the fall.

Field Cricket Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Field crickets are omnivores that feed on a variety of foods including organic plant matter, dried organic materials, fruits, seeds, and both live and dead insects. Field crickets are generally considered to be nuisance pests. If they get indoors, which typically happens in the fall as they try to get indoors to overwinter, they can damage personal items like clothing and furniture by feeding on them. They’re not venomous and aren’t known to carry any diseases. If you need help with a Field Cricket problem, it’s recommended to contact your local pest control experts.