Rat inside house

Many Long Islanders call, text and email our office looking for pest control advice. Recently, we were asked this question: โ€œLate this evening our dog trapped a rat on our back deck. Will the rat be attracted to the mouse traps in our yard? Do we need an exterminator to set a different trap? Thanks.โ€Rats are very intelligent creatures. One study published in the Harvard Business Review suggests that rats are smarter than humans in some cases. Rats are generally larger in size and intelligence when we compare them to mice. Even if you do not have a actual rat sighting, you might find other signs of rodent activities.

If you do notice any of these signs of rats in your home, please call our office for a free inspection (631) 864-6900 or (516) 864-6900.

Signs of a Rat Problem

  • Droppings. Rodents love your kitchen. You might also notice droppings along walls, on top of beams, in boxes or in old furniture.
  • Damaged food packages. Rats like meat, fish and dog food. Mice prefer seeds and cereals.
  • Noises. At night, rodents are most active. Do you hear scurrying and scratching sounds?
  • Gnaw marks. Rats chew on everything/anything.
  • Tracks/footprints. Sometimes, you can spot tracks and tail marks.
  • Burrows. Rodents like to make their homes in dark & secluded spaces. And they like to live near stuff to eat. Donโ€™t be surprised if you find them in your insulation.

Donโ€™t hesitate to call in a professional!

Learn the Signs of Rats in Your Long Island Home Serving Long Island and surrounding areas

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