Don’t let the bed bugs bite! Call today for a free inspection if you think that you have bed bugs. It’s much easier to treat a home early in the infestation. Wait too long and the bed bugs multiply! You’ll have a much bigger problem. Suburban Exterminating eliminates bed bugs in homes, hotels, hospitals and other commercial facilities. We offer three different treatment options including traditional chemical treatment, fumigation at our location or fumigation at your home. Learn more about your treatment options here
9 Facts about Bedbugs
- Bedbugs are tiny.
- Bedbugs dine primarily on humans.
- Adults color changes depending on how much blood they have drank from mahogany to red-brown. Nymphs are nearly colorless.
- These 6 bugs are often mistaken for bed bugs: Ticks, Carpet Beetles, Spider Beetle, Cockroach Nymphs, Booklice and Bat Bugs.
- Bed bugs are hitchhikers. They don’t fly or jump. You might bring bedbugs home on your luggage, clothing, beds, furniture, and other stuff.
- Over 30 percent of people have no reaction to bed bug bites.
- While bed bugs typically feed on blood every 5 to 10 days, they can survive up to a year without feeding.
- Female bed bugs can lay over 500 eggs in a lifetime!
- At night, the carbon dioxide – which we exhale –attracts them to us and out of their hiding spots.
Call us today (631) 864-6900 | (516) 864-6900 for a detailed inspection and recommendations for effective bed bug treatment.