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Suburban Exterminating Blog

European Garden Spider

Tips for How to Keep Spiders Out of Your House

Spider webs and spiders are generally creepy. They hang out in corners of your basement, get tangled in your face and remind everyone of Halloween.

When you walk through a spider web, you can almost imagine being trapped in the web. Spider webs are made of a silk material that is stronger than steel. The web can stretch to 140 percent of its length. Spider webs or cobwebs are designed to capture insects which the spiders eat for food.  Some spiders do not use a spider web; instead, they chase prey, lay in wait or go underwater to eat.

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Fish at Aquarium

The Long Island Aquarium Summer Experience

The Long Island Aquarium in Riverhead has been bustling with energy this summer. Members of the Suburban Exterminating staff head over there one to two times a week to do a tabling event, where kids can participate in some crafts. We’re helping to raise awareness about the new insect exhibit in the aquarium that we’re sponsoring, while simultaneously showing the children a great time. The many young children at the aquarium will take a quick stop from their busy days to do some fun and relaxing crafting. A crafting table with insect stamps and coloring books isn’t something the kids are accustomed to at the aquarium, so it’s a nice change of pace for everyone.

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Termite damage

6 Ways You Can Prevent Termite Damage

Protecting your home against termites is difficult. The best way to protect your home is to avoid any earth – wood contact from your home to the ground. In other words, if any part of the structure or attachment to the structure is composed of wood and touches the ground, there is a much higher likelihood of termite infestation. A wooden deck, sheds, wooden garage door jams, and  wooden fences should have -NO- earth to wood contact especially when they are also connected to your home. This situation makes it much easier for termites to infest the  house.

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